We’ve completely overhauled the audio in Super Dungeon Designer and added a News Menu in-game to view updates just like this one!

Audio Overhaul
  • Nearly every SFX (sound effects) in the game have been reworked or updated including UI SFX.
  • Many brand new SFX have been added, too many to list!
  • A new theme for playing a dungeon has been added. The old theme will be selectable again in the future!
  • The new theme is dynamic, as more enemies appear on screen the theme will intensify.
  • Scout’s Theme will play when you hang out around a shop in a dungeon for a bit.
  • Boss theme has been updated.
News Menu
  • We added a “What’s New” button on the Main Menu so when players launch the game they can learn what the new features are without having to look elsewhere.
  • News is sorted from newest to oldest and will be marked as read once viewed.
  • If you have an update you haven’t read yet, you’ll see an exclamation point on the button to let you know there is something new to check out.
Other Small Updates
  • We previously added Wall Stairs to the game, these now display on the dungeon map.
  • Updated the tooltip for the Frog Statue.
  • “Browse Dungeons” and “Dungeon Training” have been changed to “Online Dungeons” and “Tutorials”.
  • Bug fix for changing the color of Wall Stairs.
  • Bug fix for a minor visual bug in the pause menu.
  • New Tutorial added for Bosses.

The Audio Overhaul was a major undertaking, with this milestone reached we’ll have some exciting new content coming your way soon!