It’s time for another Creator Challenge! Creator Challenges are when we give you custom rules to apply to your dungeon. For this challenge, we want to see some creative use of mixing themes, here are the rules:

Duration: 8/11 through 8/21

  • Each room in your dungeon must lead to a room designed in a different theme. You can combine some elements of both themes in the room but the majority of the room should be themed to one type. So it should alternate Castle/Forest/Castle/Forest etc.
  • You can have a room with multiple exits but Forest rooms should only lead to Castle rooms and Castle rooms should only lead to Forest rooms.
  • The room size must be the default room size or smaller (with an exception for Forest rooms if you want to add more ceiling tiles). You can create rooms that are the same area as a default room (same number of total tiles).
  • Put “Creator Challenge” or “CC” in your dungeon title.
  • Your dungeon must allow up to 4 players (add 4 players, then click the checkbox on Player 2’s tab). It doesn’t need to be 4 player, just allow up to 4 players – so you can clear and upload it in single player.
  • Have fun! If you need help reach out in Discord or on the Steam Community Forums. We’ll play the dungeons on stream!